What's "Pesoguin"?

- "Pesoguin" is an imaginary animal similar to an emperor penguin's baby, which lives on the Internet, PCs, and mobile phones.
- Images of Pesoguin are appearing on Web sites and e-mails more and more often these days.
- Pesoguin has recently expanded its habitat into the real world as a stuffed animal and a character in a four-frame comic strip book.
- At the moment Pesoguin inhabits both a virtual and a real world. Who knows in the future we could even see Pesoguin as a robot?
- "Penguin"? , NO! "PESOGUIN"!
Commercial development of Pesoguin
SNS Account
Android Apps
Widget App
Other App
Blog Parts (Free)
Written in Japanese
Yahoo! Widgets (Free)
Written in English
Vista Gadget (Free)
Written in English
Written in Japanese
iGoogle Gadget (Free)
Written in Japanese
Google Desktop Gadget(Free)
Opinion to commercial contents and goods and about the invitation of the business.
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